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High quality dialysis and kidney services close to home

HRRMC Dialysis in Salida, Colorado.

The Heart of the Rockies Regional Dialysis Center is located on the second floor of the hospital.

Heart of the Rockies Regional Dialysis Center provides both inpatient and outpatient dialysis services. The dialysis unit is owned and operated by HRRMC, bringing high quality kidney treatment services to our rural communities.

Board-certified Nephrologist Dr. Jesse Flaxenburg, M.D. is the diaylsis unit's medical director, and sees patients on our main campus for local appointments. Dr. Flaxenburg is also a medical partner with Pikes Peak Nephrology Associates in Colorado Springs.

The Dialysis Center accepts out-of-town dialysis patients. Visiting patients are required to have their social worker call ahead to discuss availability and request prior authorization from the Dialysis Center’s medical director, Dr. Jesse Flaxenburg, M.D.

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Phone: (719) 530-2487
Fax: (719) 539-8555

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Nephrology and Dialysis Services

Nephrology (disease, function and treatment of the kidneys) services are provided by HRRMC on the main hospital campus.

We offer three types of services:

1. Physician and clinic services for pre-dialysis

Nephrologist Dr. David Kanar, M.D., is available by appointment for patients suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), where one's kidneys do not filter blood as well as needed, causing excess fluids and waste from the blood to build up, potentially causing other health problems.

2. Two types of Dialysis: In-Center Hemodialysis and Home Peritoneal Dialysis

In-Center Hemodialysis: This type of dialysis occurs at a treatment center, and at the main hospital in Salida.

During hemodialysis, your blood goes through a filter, called a dialyzer, outside of your body. A dialyzer is at times also referred to as an “artificial kidney.” The dialyzer filters your blood, and returns blood free of excess waste and fluids to your body. A general process of what occurs during hemodialysis is below.

Please note that Hemodialysis does not replace full kidney functionality.

Home Peritoneal Dialysis: Peritoneal dialysis is a kidney treatment that uses the lining of your abdomen to filter your blood inside of your body. The lining of your abdomen is also referred to as your peritoneum.

A soft tube, called a catheter, is inserted into your abdomen several weeks prior to starting peritoneal dialysis. When you start treatment, a dialysis solution flows from a bag, through the catheter, and into your abdomen. When the bag is empty, it can be disconnected and the catheter capped so you can move around and partake in your daily routine. While the dialysis solution absorbs waste and extra fluids from your body while inside of your abdomen. When full, the solution, excess fluids and waste are drained out of your abdomen and into an empty/drain bag.

Please note that Peritoneal dialysis can vary depending on the patient and their treatment needs.

3. Acute inpatient services

HRRMC has a wealth of social services available to patients living outside of our service area, including transportation options, access to clinical dietitians for nutrition planning, wellness programs and more. Talk to our dialysis team for more information.

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