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HRRMC announces office relocation of its Health Information Management/Medical Records Department

SALIDA, Colo.—The Health Information Management (HIM)/Medical Records Department at Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center (HRRMC) is moving to a new office location at Salida Health Center.

Currently located on the second floor of the hospital on HRRMC’s main campus, HIM/Medical Records will make the move to Salida Health Center - located at 550 W. Hwy. 50 in Salida - on Monday, Feb.10 and Tuesday, Feb. 11. In preparation for the move, the department will close at noon on Feb. 10, remain closed all day on Feb.11, and reopen at their new location on Wednesday, Feb.12 at 8 a.m. Regular office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

In order to access your medical records, you may walk-in at the new location inside of the Salida Health Center clinic, following signage and directions in the main lobby. The HIM/Medical Records team will assist you once you are signed in at registration. You may also call the HIM/Medical Records department to arrange pick up or secure delivery of your records at (719) 530-2285. For any follow-up questions or other medical records needs, please call or visit
