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Xi Epsilon Delta raises $3,214 for local cancer patients

The Xi Epsilon Delta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi raised $3,214 for the Heart of the Rockies Regional 6 women holding a giant checkMedical Center’s Oncology Department at Bingo Night, a fundraiser held at Salida Elks Lodge last month.

Attendees played 14 games of bingo with an opportunity to win cash or gift prizes. Xi Epsilon Delta served dinner, and the HRRMC Oncology Department hosted a bake sale to collect additional donations for patients.

The monies raised will be deposited in an oncology fund administered by the HRRMC Foundation. All proceeds will benefit local oncology patients. Funds may be used for wigs, medications, gas cards, massage services, or equipment needed to care for oncology patients.

For more information about the HRRMC Foundation or Oncology Department, visit