Wills & Living Trust

The Easiest Way To Make An Impact

Interested in helping Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center Foundation with our mission but feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up your assets? A simple, flexible, and versatile way to help our Salida medical center is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest.

By including a bequest to the HRRMC Foundation in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that we can continue our mission for years to come. As little as one sentence of bequest language is all that is needed to complete your gift. Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.

Sample Scenario

When Tom and Martha got married, they made a point to put together a will to protect their assets. They both loved the HRRMC Foundation and decided to include a bequest of $75,000 to us in their will.

As Tom and Martha's family grew to include three children, they decided to revise their gift to ensure their children's future financial security. They met with their attorney and simply revised the bequest language so that their gift to the HRRMC Foundation was now a percentage of their estate instead of a specific amount. Tom and Martha now rest easy knowing when they die, their plans will provide for the people and charitable work they love.

Learn How To Fund It

You can use the following assets to fund a bequest:

  • Cash
  • Appreciated Securities
  • Real Estate
  • Tangible Personal Property
  • Closely Held Stock