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HRRMC Volunteers/Auxiliary

The HRRMC (Hospital) Auxiliary: Caring to make a difference

Members of our Therapy Dog program

Since 1960, the Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center Auxiliary has provided essential services for our patients and staff. There are currently over 40 Auxilians, 20 of whom are active. Auxiliary volunteers run the hospital Gift Shop, located on the first floor of the main hospital. The Gift Shop is open 10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    We consider it our obligation as members of the auxiliary to promote goodwill between the hospital and community and to give of our time and talents in helping the professional staff of the hospital in obtaining the finest equipment possible to meet their needs. We accept the challenge of becoming full-fledged members of the health care team and to become as trained, dependable, and responsible as possible to meet this challenge.

    To become a member, contact the HRRMC Foundation office or call us at (719) 530-2218. Volunteers must be 18 years old or older, complete an application, tuberculosis information form, a background check, and training program. Dues are $25/year.

    HRRMC Auxiliary Scholarship —Application & Guidelines

    An annual amount of $1,500 will be awarded for four recurring years (subject to renewal process each year). Applicant must be a graduating high school senior from Buena Vista, Cotopaxi, or Salida High School, living within the HRRMC hospital district and entering college in fall 2025 in a health field career. A GPA equivalent of "B" or better is required. (Application deadline: March 22, 2025)
    1979 HRRMC Auxiliary Scholarship recipient gives thanks to the HRRMC Foundation Mountain Mail Article dated March 5, 2024.