Emergency Preparedness
Protecting patients in the event of a disaster

When a disaster such as a wildfire occurs, it is imperative for hospitals to have a plan in place to ensure the safety of their patients. Evacuating patients, particularly elderly or intensive care patients, is a delicate process. A medical staff must be trained beforehand in order work fast.
Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center has a very active Emergency Preparedness Program. Our CEO, leadership team, managers, and nursing supervisors have completed the required FEMA courses and are trained in using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Hospital Incident Command System (HICS).
Training for emergencies
We provide frequent training for staff related to our emergency codes (i.e. Code Red - Fire) and practice evacuation procedures, including the use of Med Sleds to transfer non-ambulatory patients down stairwells. HRRMC staff members meet monthly with our community partners and quarterly with our regional partners, and participate in a minimum of one internal and one external emergency exercise/drill each year.
Protect yourself in an emergency
HRRMC encourages its employees to have a home plan for the first 72 hours in the event of a disaster. To learn how to prepare for an emergency, visit ready.gov. This site has information (tool kits and videos) to help families put measures in place so they can be self-reliant for the first 72 hours if a disaster occurs.
Chaffee County also publishes an emergency preparedness guide. To access this local guide, click here.
When disaster strikes, your loved ones will be in good hands at Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center.